Archive | September, 2012

5 Favorite Comedies

14 Sep

My alarm didn’t go off today.  I forgot to put the coffee grains in the coffee maker, and thus made a pot of hot water.  My computer crashed, and my project  file will not OPEN; making it impossible to do the work I planned for today because I have to redo everything.  These things all happened to me before 8 this morning and have put me in a foul mood.  So instead of dwelling I decided to turn to comedy.  In my opinion there is nothing like a good comedy to change your mood; especially for days like the one I’m having today.   Anyway that’s what inspired me to write about some of my favorite comedies.

Here is a list of Five movies I am always in the mood to watch:

I picked these movies because they make me laugh just as hard now as they did the very first time I saw them.

I hope you like my picks; and feel free to comment on what your favorite comedies are.

  1. Tommy Boy

    Starring Chris Farley and David Spade; directed by Peter Segal; written by Bonnie Turner and Terry Turner

  2. Planes Trains and Automobiles

    Starring John Candy and Steve Martin; Directed & Written by John Hughes

  3. Bridesmaids

    Starring Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Ellie Kemper, Rose Byrne and Melissa McCarthy; Directed by Paul Feig; Written by Kristen Wiig & Annie Mumolo

  4. The Great Outdoors

    Starring John Candy and Dan Aykroyd; Directed by Howard Deutch; Written by John Hughes

  5. Eulogy

    Starring Hank Azaria, Zooey Deschanel, Debra Winger, Kelly Preston, Jesse Bradford, Glenne Headly, Famke Janssen, Piper Laurie Rip Torn and Ray Romano: Written & Directed by Michael Clancy

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